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Our garden accommodates over sixty different species of officinal plants, mostly indigenous. We have about thirty different varieties of ediblle flowers that bloom sequentially from spring to autumn. 

Our flowers are perfect to enhance the appearance or the aroma of various dishes, they can be used from the appetizer to the dessert.

Ideal for use in catering, pastry or cocktail preparation.

Fiori eduli erbe commestibili Fattoria delle Erbe

During the summer season, fresh flowers and herbs are available on reservation, sold in three-compartments trays divided into three compartments containing several varieties of small, medium and large size (from a minimum of 30 flowers to a maximum of 100 flowers per pack).

Furthermore, throughout the whole year,  the same products are available as dried, both in small packages for private use and in professional trays. 

The value of dried flowers and herbs is that you can preserve them for a long time without losing their beauty and scent. They rehydrate easily in contact with other ingredients, so they do not need to be dipped in water.


Fiori eduli erbe commestibili Fattoria delle Erbe

Fiori eduli erbe commestibili Fattoria delle Erbe

In our "Add a Lawn to your Table" Recipes you will find many ideas that will guide you in the use of flowers and herbs. Collect all three volumes !!! You can also visit our RECIPE BLOG and leave your comments;)




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