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We did not want a job, we wanted a lifestyle!
Fattoria delle Erbe embodies the dream to live immersed in beauty, producing healthy and sustainable flowers and herbs for ourselves and our community.
Chi siamo


I love nature and open air life.
When I was a child I spent my summers in mountains and, with my beloved grandmother, I picked up bouquets of  wild flowers to decorate the kitchen or to create beautiful herbarium.
My passion for herbs and flowers was grown observing the vegetation that surrounded me during my long walks in the countryside, with my four-legged friend Bud.
I started to study the wild herbs and to understand its characteristics and uses.

I wanted to  live in contact with nature.
In 2009 I founded the Fattoria delle Erbe, thanks to the support of Roberto who shares with me the values of a healthy life, marked by the rhythms of nature. Our project was born to try to rediscover heirloom herbs creating healthy and genuine products but also beautiful and fragrant, just to satisfy all the senses. Over the years the constant search for new aromas and flavors has led us to cultivate more than 150 different varieties of aromatic, medicinal and wild flowers.

In addition to the commercial side, I have always tried to take care of the informative and educational aspect linked to our world, promoting every year meetings and lessons on the use of herbs and flowers, arriving to publish three volumes of the recipe book "Aggiungi un prato a Tavola "to teach the use of flowers in the kitchen.
The thing that makes me happier now is to see the joy and enthusiasm of all customers, after trying our products.
Ours work is heavy but every day gives us some joy and allows us to wake up with a smile the following day.


He's the rock at the base of our company, despite its privacy and shyness.
It firmly believes in a lifestyle that allows it to establish itself in harmony and respect for others and the environment that surrounds us.
He supervises all field production, soil work, irrigation and harvesting.
He has an incredible work ethic, he is very good at taking care of the web part of the company.
It is a constant source of energy and creativity.


It is the joyful soul of the farm, always smiling and positive.
She discovered her passion for flowers when she found her garden full of colors like a painter's palette.
She loves to spend the afternoons among the fields immersed in the aromas of aromatic essences.
She takes care of the farm's shop.


Passionate about horticulture he takes care of plants in their initial phase.
He is our most enthusiastic seller in the various markets we do during the year.

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